Quest 2 — Advanced All-In-One Virtual Reality Headset — 128 GB.

Experience total immersion with 3D positional audio, hand tracking and easy-to-use controllers working together to make virtual worlds feel real.Explore an expanding universe of over 500 titles across gaming, fitness, social/multiplayer and entertainment, including exclusive releases and totally unique VR experiences.Enjoy fast, smooth gameplay and immersive graphics as high-speed action unfolds around you with a fast processor and immersive graphics.Travel universes in blockbuster fantasies, scare yourself witless in horror adventures or squad up with friends to save the universe.Come together in incredible social spaces and multiplayer arenas as you take in live events with friends and family, find your new workout crew or join adventures with fellow players.

Be truly free to explore in VR With a wireless headset, intuitive controls, a built-in battery, easy setup and no PC or console needed.Play without worries by setting your designated play space and get alerts if you move outside it.With no extra equipment needed, Quest 2 is portable to take with you, wherever you go in the physical world.See child safety guidance online; Accounts for 10+. Certain apps, games and experiences may be suitable for a more mature audience.

Brand Meta
Color White
Connectivity Technology Wi-Fi
Included Components Quick Start Guide, Power Adapter (US, UK, EU, AU), Glass Spacer, 2 AA Batteries, Safety & Warranty Guide, Charging cable, VR headset, 2 Touch Controllers (L&R)Quick Start Guide, Power Adapter (US, UK, EU, AU), Glass Spacer, 2 AA Batteries, Safety & Warranty Guide, Charging cable, VR headset, 2 Touch Controllers (L&R)
Compatible Devices Smartphone
Model Name 899-00187-02
Product Dimensions 10.24"D x 7.36"W x 4.96"H
Operating System Oculus
Field Of View 360
Connector Type USB Type C.

Meta Quest 2 is the all-in-one system that truly sets you free to explore in VR. Simply put on the headset and enter fully-immersive, imagination-defying worlds. A built-in battery, fast processor and immersive graphics keep your experience smooth and seamless, while 3D positional audio, hand tracking and easy-to-use controllers make virtual worlds feel real. Meet, play and build communities with people from all over the world. Start an epic new adventure, squad up with friends or add more fun to your fitness routine. Invite others into your VR experience by screen-casting to a compatible TV or screen as it unfolds. See child safety guidance online; Accounts for 10+..First, a little background. I'm 73 years old. Above average in the activity department, adept mentally, although I am literally the only person I know who can lose something when standing perfectly still. I have four grandchildren. I hold down a full-time job as a writer, and a once-a-year gig teaching Rio Grande Board Games at the annual World Boardgaming Championships (WBC).

It was at the most recent WBC that I was introduced to MetaQuest 2 and in particular, its bundled game called Beat Saber. I'd tried much cheaper VR systems, the ones that hold your phone and you have to download apps to run on them. This was an entirely different ball game. This was, I should note, not a function of the WBC. It just so happened that one of the site administrators had brought the system along with him and one evening, invited me to give it a try.
The first issue that one should note is that once you put the headset for this system on, you are pretty much detached from the reality around you. This is fine as long as it's just you and the machine, but you can forget about being outside the machine and trying to instruct someone inside the machine about what's going on. As it happened, the man who introduced me to the system basically set it up for me - put it on his own head, clicked the right buttons - and then transferred the headset to me. With a couple of hand prompts and a word or two, Beat Saber, the program that comes with the MetaQuest 2 when you buy it these days, came on line and there I stood, with two controllers, one in each hand, as my eyes beheld on the screen in front of me, a series of square blocks coming at me, each with an arrow, pointing either up, down, right or left. The controllers operate two light sabers, one in each hand, and the object of this game is to swat the approaching blocks in the direction indicated by the arrow on them. There are also occasional large obstacles coming at you, like skinny walls, which appear like three-dimensional line drawings as they approach. You can't swat these aside and the idea is to avoid them. In most cases, this entails just stepping out of their way, either to the right or the left, but dependent on some choices you make in Beat Saber, some of these objects can be wide and impossible to avoid unless you duck as they approach. No way to jump over them.And there's music. At first, you don't pick up on the idea that your swatting activity with the light sabers can occasionally be rhythmic, linked to the beat of the music. . .Beat Saber. Get it? But you'll pick up on that fairly quickly. 

If you don't dance and would like to, this is a good program that will force-feed you the concept of moving your body in beat with the rhythm of a song. You don't realize you're dancing because as far as you're concerned, you're swatting colored boxes with virtual reality light sabers. A note of caution. People familiar with the system and how it works will delight in recording video of your attempts to play the game; unbeknowst to you, 'cause you're wrapped up in the headset and can't see anything but what the machine is giving you to see. These people recording you will be LOL-ing themselves breathless, as you contort yourself in a relatively confined space, trying to dodge things and swat at the colored boxes.I made the mistake of failing to heed the warning that if I didn't buy one of these systems soon, its price was going to go up. A lot. And it did. But I bought it anyway and am just beginning to tap into the available free apps and exploring the possibility of buying other ones.There's a free Epic Roller Coaster app, which is fairly enjoyable, although oddly enough, both myself and my wife (now at home with our own MetaQuest 2) found ourselves getting a little queasy during the experience. Not sure what that's about. She NEVER goes on real roller coasters and I do it all the time.
Also found a walking-on-a-building-skeleton app that had me God knows how many stories high and though not generally afraid of heights (acrophobia), I wasn't all that keen on walking on the available, skinny steel walkways to approach the edge. I'm in my living room, my mind knowing damn full well that I'm not only not as high as the program makes me think I am, but am, in fact, on solid ground. Yet, in an attempt to approach the edge and have a look OVER the edge, I am literally creeping forward, edging my foot out in front of me, making sure of my balance with each step. My mind absolutely refuses to grasp the concept that I am not in any danger.
It should be noted that when you play in virtual reality, the mechanism has you define a space where you are going to be, literally drawing a perimeter line. It's not because the machine is worried you might step off the big building you only think you're on, but when you're playing a game like Beat Saber, you want to make sure that your arm movements don't knock over a lamp your Aunt Ethel gave you for Christmas last year, or in moving your legs around, you don't accidentally kick the screen out of your new Smart TV.

I haven't been too excited by any of the first-person shooter kind of apps that are available. That kind of activity never lured me to the various systems that were already on the market. But I did notice and have been on the verge of pulling the trigger on some of the other activities, like table tennis, actual tennis and some other sports activities, like baseball. Am also interested in what is, at present, a small selection of board games, like Tsuro and chess (in a variety of different environments). They offer Catan (originally, Settlers of Catan) and though my interest in board games is strong, I never really liked Catan in real-time, so I'm not going to pick it up in VR.
I recommend this system highly. The experience of good VR (and you can buy systems better than the basic one that I purchased) is mind-altering. It's something to which your mind has never been previously exposed; an alternate reality with its own set of rules that takes some getting used to. It's more expensive than pot, but unlike pot, it doesn't just let your head create new connections and free it from everyday anxieties, it creates a reality within your brain that is intriguing to watch, hear and interact with.And as my age indicates, fun for all ages.Oh, and one other cautionary note for those of a certain advanced age. The first time I tried the system, at the WBC, my score at Beat Saber was abysmally low. So I tried again. And again. It wasn't my hand movements with the controllers or the side-stepping away from approaching objects that got to me. It was the ducking at things that I had to let go over my head. I made the crouching moves necessary with reckless abandon. Once, again, and again. My upper thighs complained to me all of the next day. The good news is that it makes for good, healthy exercise.Llevo 1 año con el producto y me encantan mis meta quest 2. Realmente tener un producto que tenga una dimensión como experiencia es fascinante, y más aún pensando que es algo que puedes tener en tu recámara y en formato stand alone. Es una pena que poca gente conozca y tenga un dispositivo de estos. Espero que ahora con el anuncio de Apple la gente se anime a comprar dispositivos de realidad virtual /mixta, sobre todo de meta, ya que el dispositivo tiene un precio bastante accesible por una tecnología realmente maravillosa. Definitivamente compraré los meta quest 3 en cuanto salgan y animo a las personas a adquirir una experiencia de estas, no se arrepentirán.

Cosas que podrían cambiar en un futuro:
1. la visión.
Aunque es buena, aún es borrosa y a veces poco clara. Estuve probando y las imágenes dejan de distinguirse con claridad a una distancia de 40 a 60 metros, que es bastante, después de eso las imágenes se tornan borrosas y difíciles de ver. Claro que todo se puede hacer: ver películas, videos, jugar, descansar, etc. La visión no es impedimento de nada, solo podría mejorar bastante. Está característica definitivamente mejora en las quest pro 2 y muy posiblemente en las meta quest 3 cuando salgan.

2. La correa: la correa es muy incómoda. Ajustarla para diferentes personas es tedioso además de que es incómoda en largos periodos de uso y resbala bastante sobre la cabeza. Ocurre que si no está muy apretada a la cabeza (lo cual es muy incómodo), al momento de girar los visores resbalan. La solución es comprar otra correa más cómoda, aunque al principio si te quedas sin dinero por la adquisición tendrás que aguantar un rato con esa correa.

3. Precio de la tienda: los juegos dentro de la tienda de oculus pueden llegar a ser 2 veces más caros que en Steam por ejemplo. Se entiende porque están optimizados para un dispositivo stand alone. No obstante, a veces este precio de verdad puede llegar a estar muy inflado, tanto que podrías preferir comprar la versión de PC y sacrificar un poquito el movimiento libre con un cable tipo c que se conecte a tu PC. Cabe recalcar que el dispositivo cuenta con un sistema que permite la conexión vía WIFI con tu computadora para poder acceder a los juegos de PC sin cable, lo único que necesitas es tener una muy buena conexión dedicada únicamente para los visores. En mi caso preferí conectarlo con cable para tener menos lag.

4. Calor. Después de un uso de aproximadamente 30 - 40 minutos, tal vez un poco más (dependiendo de la aplicación que se esté usando) el dispositivo puede llegar a calentarse haciendo que realmente sudes adentro de los visores. En climas más fríos esto no es problema, pero si vives en un lugar cálido podría llegar a ser bastante incómodo.

En resumen, las meta quest 2 han Sido unos visores que han cumplido, satisfecho e incluso superado por mucho lo que esperaba del producto. Es una experiencia completa cada vez que te los pones. Siempre es la misma emoción que sientes la primera vez que los usas y más si te aventuras a probar experiencias de diferentes géneros: terror, aventura, sci fi, etc.
También ha Sido una gran herramienta de visualización para cosas de trabajo. Por lo que, las meta quest son más que una consola, son una herramienta para aquellos que quieran usarlas para este enfoque.
Recomiendo ampliamente la adquisición de unos visores.

La verdad que he probado por primera vez las VR y puedo decir que es bastante asombroso hay mucho que se puede hacer utilizando directamente las quest 2 o conectándolas a las pc, puedo decir que es bastante practica, los controles son muy inmersos y cómodos en su totalidad, por otro lado tienes funciones como usar los dedos de las manos como mando gracias a las cámaras de la parte de abajo para controlar las quest 2, compatible también si lo usas en pc. Puedo decir que tiene bastantes accesorios que hacen que el Quest 2 sea aun mas cómodo.
Igualmente vi un par de observaciones y me atrevo a responderlas.

Lo de la distancia de los ojos, cuenta solo con tres modos y puedo decir que directamente puede ser conflictivo para persona que se encuentran fuera del rango que tiene, por lo que he visto en otros videos sobre su antecesor este no tenia el problema por que se ajustaba un poco mas libre.

Vista ligeramente borrosa esto si lo puedo confirmar pero igual no es algo que sea tan grave ya que al estar jugando no lo notas.

La duración de la autonomía.
A esto si pude notar que dura solo 2 horas, pero pues tengamos en cuenta el por que teniendo lo del seguimiento de los mandos las 4 cámaras que tiene en funcionamiento en todo momento para la inmersión en vr, una pantalla que casi da 2k a 120hz y una potencia que considero muy buena pues hace que todo esto se gaste rápido.
¿Como lo soluciono? Pues solo compra una PowerBank ya sea de 10000 MaH o 20000, con eso te dará suficiente para jugar durante unas 4 o 6 horas, al menos a mi me ha dado ese tiempo.

Por otro lado la duración de la batería de los mandos es bastante larga eso si lo puedo asegurar.

En lugares donde tengas ventilación y no en temperatura normal podrás notar que no se calienta, pero al andar en lugares donde no tengas ventilación y a temperatura normal vas a ver que si se calienta como cuando juegas con tu teléfono a brillo máximo
He leido algunas observaciones de lo que es el Oculus Quest 2 sobre lo que es que puede ser incomodo

Cosas que podrían ser desventaja?
Pues el hecho de que requiere una cuenta obligatoria de Facebook para poder utilizarlo quizas para la mayoría dirá "MEH tengo cuenta de Facebook" pero recordemos que hay gente que no le gusta dicha plataforma y considero que pues no es necesario, igualmente la desventaja esta que las aplicaciones que hayas adquiridos se enlazan con dicha cuenta, si pierdes esa cuenta pierdes las aplicaciones. Y pues igual he leído algunas reseñas que dicen "Me cree una cuenta de Facebook y a la semana me la bloquearon por que decían que era cuenta falsa y perdí todas las aplicaciones adquiridas".

Por otro lado el sujetador es de un material de plástico y tela que a largo plazo de utilidad es incomodo, por suerte se pueden comprar otros sujetadores mas cómodos.

Como se conecta a la PC?
Existen dos maneras la primera es usando AirLink que considero poco practico y problemático al menos de las veces que intente usar la pc, por otro lado puedes adquirir Virtual Desktop que cuesta 15 Dolares que pues igualmente lo mismo, pero este si es completamente practico. La segunda opción seria utilizando solo un cable que sea de 3.0 o superior, que por lo menos con uno de un Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 pro me ha servido.

Lo vale? Si honestamente lo vale por la cantidad de juegos gratuitos que puedes descargar tanto en la plataforma oculus o de sidequest o también jugando en la PC.

The best value for money standalone VR headset.
Dont go for the negative review that it has bad lense or is cheap bla bla bla, cause you cant even find any VR standalone headset at this price.

1. Quality is great, even if you drop it it wont break easily and still works, check out ThrillSeeker channel on youtube for more strees test that guy did.

2. Lenses are old once, yes they are but in this segment they wont dissapoint you compared to $1000 Valve Index

3. Resolution and FOV is good but not great but perfect for movies and watching 3d movies, 360 movies and Oculus games for sure. Casual user wont even find any difference

4. Great library of games, litttle expensive but you get sales now and then and you have sidequest if you want more for free and also with some tricks you can install any android apps.

5. The glimps and your start to metaverse

6. Battery is a concern but get the cable creation cable and you are goog to go. Get the 16ft one

7. Install Sidequest. (Mobile and PC) if you want a lot of best and free content and if you are a advanced PC user. Not recommended for users not fimiliar with advance PC use or adb, but you get a tons of tutorial on youtube if you want to try.

8. If you have a good PC, VR ready GPU, then this can play Steam VR as well, now it has Airlink wireless as well, but you need Wifi6, 5ghz band and PC connected using ethernet for best quality.

9. Amazing hand tracking and controllers at this range

10. In any case you end up scratching the lenses, get a polywatch solution and see the magic, it would be as good as new, thank me later for that advice. See youtube for more info

11. Great mutiplayer capabilities, mic is great and stock speaker are just awesome, and you can still connect your own headsets as well.

12. Get a rechargable battery for your controller, cost around rs400 with batgery and its charger.

13. If you still have more money get an Elite strap for best comfort and wobble free experience.

14. If you sweat much, mind that you might see fog on lense on prolong use, there are tons of alrernatives to try to avoid that, but the cheapest option is simply put a tissue to your forehead and put on the headset and good to go.

15. You are still here that means you are convinced, just go for it and buy it, you will not regret for sure. Search me in case you need more assistance on Oculus, Ashura- is my Oculus id.